Monday, January 21, 2008

Been a while

Howdy folks,

Sorry I haven't written in a while. My buddy convinced me a while back to join a local kickball league, and somehow I got suckered into participating as one of the head refs. Stupid hot league reps! Why are they so sneaky, with their totally obvious wedding rings that I don't notice until I've already agreed to something I don't really want to do?

Fear not, though. The Lienator will be back in action before you know it. I ref'd one week and decided it's WAY too much commitment. It reminds me of the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when I feel hungry enough to order two machaca & egg burritos, and instantly know I've signed up for more than I should have (Maricopa County Hospital be damned; I'll eat what I want!) Besides, I think I've been demoted from head ref to a much less demanding position. No one's told me what it is yet, but who wants to bet it's Ball Boy? Lefty will be proud I'm living up to his namesake.


1 comment:

Molly Butters said...

What did Lien do for Cinco de Mayo? Surely something exciting that involved hot chicks, machaca and cutting cans.